      1. 韩志冰简介
      2. 韩志冰,1965年生于山东鄄城。毕业于山东师范大学美术学院油画系。中国美术家网总裁,文化部中国艺术节基金会副秘书长,原中国国家画院国展美术中心主任,中国五台山书画艺术研究院院长,中国美术家协会会员,国家一级美术师。 Han Zhibing is a member of China Artist Association and a national first-class artist. He was born in Juancheng, Shandong Province, in 1965. He majored in oil painting and g... 详细>>

      兰花叶画法 2









         接上课之一,再添加第四笔和第五笔均为补笔。兰叶穿插画法 形式感要强,经过长短兰叶交叉表现出兰花的整体画面效果,注意在画兰叶时把握兰叶的浓淡,使兰花更富有活力。
        Welcome to learn Traditional Chinese Painting
        lesson 18. The method of drawing orchid (二)
        Followed last lesson, added fourth and fifth stroke as complement. Outlining orchid leaves in way of interlude for looking more lifelike in it’s sharp. Crossing long and short of orchid leaves in outlining for getting entirely effected in looking of it. Pay more attention in appending the thick or thin of ink as drawing the orchid leaves to make it full of vitality.
        See pictures enclosed here:


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